SchemaLink is a web application designed to assist LinkML developers in creating and curating schemas.
SchemaLink builds upon the functionality of Neo4j’s Arrows, a web tool for drawing and editing property graphs. SchemaLink extends its capabilities to focus on LinkML schemas. Nodes represent classes in the schema, edges define relationships between classes. Users can easily add, remove, or update schema items and adjust their properties through an intuitive interface.
- Interactive Schema Creation and Editing
- Define classes, relationships, slots and attributes, and ontology annotations
- Add descriptions, examples, and customize graphical styles
- Flexible Import and Export
- Import existing LinkML schemas specified in YAML
- Export schemas in LinkML, PNG, SVG, JSON
- Applications
- Graphically representing relationships between bio-entities grounded in OBO ontologies
- Performing named entity recognition (NER) and relation extraction (RE) tasks using the OntoGPT package